
Plant Development Tips

Plant Development Tips

Plants grow in a number of forms, or growth habits. Also there are several factors that affect plant growth in general.

For example, the fertilizer you use will have an affect on plant growth, as does the soil conditions, moisture and climates.

Lets address plant forms and growth habits of different plants first, before addressing growing conditions.

Because it will help you with choosing plants for your garden that will look great together.

Combining plants with a variety of growth habits adds interest to any planting situation you will face.

Below are the plant forms and growing habits of perennial plants in general.

You should choose from the following when planning your beds and borders.

Plants Forms and Growth Habits

Mounded: Bergenia Plant
Mounded plants, such as the bergenia perennial in the picture are rounded and bushy plants.

These plants form a a cushion of foilage, usually close to the ground.

Examples of mounded perennials are bergenia and lady’s mantle (Alchemilla)

Branching: Aster Plant
Branching plants grow upright with branched stems that give them an open appearance.

Examples of branching plants are rose bushes, Astilbe species and asters, pictured here.


Upright: Liatris spicata
Some plants are decidedly vertical with narrow, upright plant growth develpment.

Liatris spicata and iris plants are common and very beautiful upright perennial plants.


Trailing or Matlike: Phlox subulata
Some perennials stay low to the ground because they sprawl.

Perennials that fit this category include garden pinks (Dianthus) species and creeping Phlox subulata.

Flower Carpet roses fir this growth habit also.

Plant Development Tips

Give plants enough space to develop into their full mature size.

Crowded plants don’t grow as well, or flower as profusely and are more prone to disease.

Perennial Plant Development Growth

Like I mentioned before, the factors that affect plant growth are fertilizers, watering, soil conditions and climate.

Well maintained garden plants will grow much better than neglected plants.

From watering to weeding, staking to pruning, fertilizing to deadheading.

All these plant tasks are critical to keeping plants attractive and growing well from earliest spring to the frost ofwinter.

The caring for your plantings will affect your plant growth develpment for sure, but it’s also a wonderful relaxing part of gardening.



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